wer möchte von mir intensiv massiert werden? Jeden Zentimeter, vom Kopf bis zu den Zehenspitzen, werde ich verwöhnen- so lange und so intensiv, wie ihr es wollt. Ich verspreche es! Who would like to be massaged intensively by me? I will pamper every inch, from head to toe - as long and as intensely as you want. I promise!
Reminds me when i meet a big guy and give him an oily massage, very similar - i start with oiling his back and bottom, making sure my fingers work his crack, then his legs and feet, he likes me to suck his toes one by one, then he turns over onto his back and i massage his chest slowly working down to his cock and balls, this where it is slightly different to the video, because as i wank him just before he is about to cum i am instructed to put his cock in my mouth until he explodes down my throat !! Horny session every time